


JSG-5立式干法制粒機工作原理(Working Theory of Dry TypeGranulation Facility):


原料可通過手工上料或真空上料機加入料斗,經送料螺桿輸送和壓縮.被推至兩擠壓輥輪的咬入角:通過壓輥,將原料擠壓成薄片。物料所需的壓力通過液壓裝置線性傳送給壓輥,液壓裝置可保持一定的預壓力, 垂直排列的壓輥可保證物料密度的一致性。根據不同顆粒度要求,設備造粒系統中的篩網目數大小可相互更換。

According to the technical theory ofmechanical extrusion for granulation, a wel-prepared powdery or finely crystallinematerial with crystal water is laminatedand made into particles of required size bymeans of screen in the granulation system.

The material may be fed into the bucketby hand or vacuum feeder, conveyed andcompressed in the feed screw, and pushedinto bite angle of two extrusion wheels.The material is laminated by therollers.The pressure required by material islinearly delivered from hydraulic device torollers. The hydraulic device can maintaincertain pre-pressure and the verticallyarranged rollers can guarantee theconsistent density of According to different required grainmaterial.sizes, the screens with different meshes inthe granulation system can be interchanged.

JSG-5立式干法制粒機干法制粒優點(Advantages of Dry TypeGranulation):



Powder or fine crystal can be directlymade into granules to the satisfaction ofusers, without requiring any intermediate oradditive. The granules have even grain sizewith considerably increasing bulk density.This can improve the fluidity, inhibit theraised dust and reduce the waste of powder.

It is easy to store and transport andallows the control of solubility, porosity andspecific surface area.The granulator generates the antibioticThe granulator generates the antibiotictype granulation. .type granulation. .It can play an importantrolein thein thethe granulation for pills.



The pharmaceutical industry oftenprocesses the medicine materials of variousactivities and one or several excipients.Most of bulk drugs are finely powdery indifferent grain sizes, uneven density, poorfluidity and easy stratification. They must begranulated before being laminated, flled intocapsules or processed in other ways. Forits various advantages, dry type granulationis particularly suitable for the granulation ofdrugs unstable under wet and hot conditions.

JSG-5立式干法制粒機特別說明(Special Note):

在產品設計和生產過程中,我們遵循了美國FDA、GMP思想。任何一臺設備在生產過程中,皆具備GMP控制范圍;在設計過程中,任何一臺設備皆在GMP內創新構思。所有的非金屬材料均符合GMP &FDA標準。


In the machine design and .manufacturing process, we follow theFDA GMP idea. Any equipment in themanufacturing process has GMP controlrange,In the designing process, anyequipment is in GMP innovation concept.All non-metallic materials comply withGMP&FDA standards.

The process parameters such as feedamount,pressure roller gap, slicethickness,grinding gap and slice .hardness were established to formscientific system relationship throughlogical operation and mathematicalstatistics.

JSG-5立式干法制粒機設計特點(Design Features):





1、Special for research and s ample test inlaboratory;

2、Verify whether some materials with crystalwater are suitable for dry type granulation; 

3、Take around 100g material to learn aboutthe pressing and forming performance ofmaterial to timely adjust the prescription(water content, auxiliary material, etc.),improve the granulation process and testthe necessary technical parameters, inorder to provide the reliable theoreticalbasis for developing new products anddirectly putting into production;

4、Suitable for granulation in pharmaceutical,chemical and food industries.

JSG-5立式干法制粒機技術參數(Technical Parameters):



●連續生產能力: 5Kg/h (以食用玉米淀粉為例)

●可成型粒度: 0.2-2 mm(更換篩網調節)

● 油泵:電動加壓;

●成型壓力: 4T

● 安裝功率: 1.74KW

●整機重量: 480kg

●外形尺寸: 800x680x1500

●物料接觸部分材質:SUS 304 &316L


●與產品接觸的徑向軸密封圈: PTFE/氟橡膠

Production Capacity

●Batching: 100g

●Continuous production capacity: 5kg/h(for edible corn starch)

●Grain size: 0.2-2mm

●Oil pump: electrical

●Maximum forming pressure: 4T

●Installation power: 1.74KW

●Dead weight: 480kg

●Dimension: 800x680x1500

●Material: SUS 304 & 316L

●Material of roller: 2Cr13、 3Cr13、 alloy steel

●Axial gasket in contact with product:PTEF/fluorubber

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